Message from the CEO

Message from the CEO

I have been a Family Medicine practitioner in Southern California for about 30 years. 

My ideal has always been to serve in medically underserved communities; fortunately, I have been able to do that.

Our world has recently endured one of the most challenging sets of circumstances in a long time, i.e., pandemic, economic uncertainty, and politics, which have negatively impacted our mental health and well-being to crisis levels.

Unfortunately, the delivery and access to mental health services in our present medical system are dismal. My daily experience with patients who need behavioral health is frustrating. When I refer a patient to a behavioral health provider, I know that the patient will face difficulty and delays (up to a few months) in obtaining an appointment.

To compound the problem, the communities most affected are the ones most medically underserved. Fortunately, we have the solution.

Through our successful collaboration with Federally Qualified Health Centers, we have been able to provide these communities with competent, compassionate, and well-compensated behavioral health providers. This partnership has significantly enhanced access and treatment for these underserved populations. 

We also provide complete management and implementation of behavioral health programs tailored to the individual needs of any medical organization. We are constantly expanding virtual platforms and in-person visits to improve access to behavioral health services further. We are also expanding to staff medical providers where needed.

We extend a direct invitation to you to join us in this crucial endeavor. Your collaboration can make a significant difference in improving access to mental health services in underserved communities.

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